Filming is a very fun but also very very stressful. You never know what can go wrong, and believe me, A LOT can go wrong. Especially when our main camera woman was out of town, luckily Maria is also good with the camera.
Somehow we were blessed to find an abandoned shed, with perfect weather, and a perfect shoot. We were on a roll (or role? Get it? Because they are actors playing a role? ANYWAYS) with all the different shots and angles, constantly coming up with new and unique ways to film the best shot.
Our actors were doing a fantastic job being DIRECTED (get it? Because we're directing? Alright I need to stop). We filmed that scene with no issues besides our camera almost dying but we got all of the important stuff anyways.
When we got back to Maria's house to film the interrogation scene, we charged the camera, and we were all ready to go.
Everything was going smoothly, yet again our actors were doing fantastic, our camera woman was filming all different angles, it was awesome. But then, just as the climax of our opening is happening, one of our actors -the interrogator- just couldn't do it. He started feeling light headed and nauseous, so of course awe told him to stop. We knew he couldn't keep going, but what would we do now? We have most of our scenes filmed already, our script is already made, and it was too late to call another guy to come act. I was trying not to panic, telling my self: "Just breathe Kaelin, everything will be fine, it's all okay".
Then my co workers tand I decided, why not make what was happening in real life... part of the film?
So, we decided to film the interrogator about to freak out and someone else will take his place. We knew we couldn't go with Maria since she was our camera woman, and we couldn't go with Sofia because she was hispanic, so the only one who was left -and white- was me.
Maria had an outfit for me to wear since I was dressed in shorts and a t-shirt, so I took the role as the new interrogator. I didn't have a problem with it at all since i've always loved to act and I was in plays up until two years ago, but I was worried that I wasn't going to be as good anymore since I haven't acted in awhile. So hopefully I did alright.
Here's some behind the scene pictures of post-character switch.