Hi! I’m Kaelin and this is an inside look at my struggles!
Well… hopefully it’s not a COMPLETE struggle.
To think that my whole entire life I dreamt of making a film… and now I have the chance! Boy am I in for a tough ride... and I'm taking you with me!
For as long as I can remember I have thought of quirky ideas for films, sometimes I would even wake up at night because I would have a new idea for a film. I use to go out in my backyard and sit in my fort and write. I would write out my thoughts, ideas for films, and sometimes I would even write songs. But of course now when I need that to happen, i’m blocked! Now I'm getting an inside look on how tough it is to be a director and a producer.
Even though I know this process is going to be difficult, I can't wait to bring my group and I's imagination to life. Not only do I get to make a film, but I also get to do it with my friends right beside me. How cool is that?! Super cool, I know.
I have a lot of work cut out for me which is scary but exciting. Now that I've introduced my self a bit, the next step is PLANNING! The real question is, do I have what it takes? Lets find out!