Tuesday, March 28, 2017


Well... this time around the peer review made me realize that my group and I REALLY needed to get our acts together. Every other member in my group started filming over the weekend and here my group and I didn't even have a script written.

It has been especially hard to film because one of our members were out of town and then when that member came back, another one isn't going to be here ALL WEEK.... so activate panic mode!!!

Good part is today we casted our roles!!! After we were discussing with other members in other groups, we got together and decided who we wanted in our movie and decided on filming it at Marias house.

During class we established the type of characters that we want in our role:

Character Development

Mark: Late ‘20s,
High class

Born and raised in Miami
Parents loved him and bought him everything
Officer runs in family

Enrique: mid 20’s
Good Heart
Strong minded
Low class

Part of a gang ?
Mom left while pregnant to US for a better life
            American citizen (born in US)
            Mom deported at 18, sister was 13
            Sister and him left behind (he raised her) (she died because of a gang fight)
      He got arrested for battery and carrying an unauthorized gun
                              the sister died (got shot?)
Had to make his own money
            Involved with neighborhood junkie (Domingo) (Drugs, stole)
            Wanted to make a better life for him and his sister so wanted to stop
                             Ended in him and junkie fighting in street
                             Junkie died next day

Enrique and Mark go way back from previous trials
Enrique hands: represent the hard work he does. When he’s handcuffed and Mark shuts his hands down, it is like shutting down his freedom and his civil liberties.

Cries: shows the brutal injustice of the court system

Now that we have our characters we can finally write our script!!!!